Beliefs Made Visible: Religion and Art in South Asia
View the whole series of religious arts in South Asia.
View the whole series of religious arts in South Asia.
Background Information
Background Information
A brief introduction to the Qu’ran. Includes audio by Qamar Adamjee, Malavalli Family Foundation Associate Curator of Art of the Indian Subcontinent.
The story “Tiger and Puppy” is about a village with five families, where a mischievous tiger would eat all the food. An unlikely hero, a small puppy, comes to the rescue and helps the villagers capture the tiger. Create your own paper plate animals to retell this Korean folktale.
Background Information
Just east of the modern city of Xi’an, you can see an army of soldiers unearthed. Discovered first in 1974, the work continues on three pits containing over 7,000 model soldiers. The army was buried within a framework of wooden pillars just east of the large tumulus containing the tomb of the First Emperor. It was a massive undertaking, certainly the largest ceramic project ever undertaken anywhere.
Students will summarize and illustrate the main events of a folktale from Japan in the format of kamishibai slides and retell their stories using their kamishibai slides.
Students will become members of the “literati/scholar” class by demonstrating their understanding of Chinese history, philosophy, and poetry. They will also display high achievement in the “Three Perfections”: calligraphy, painting, and poetry. This project is designed to be a creative alternative to daily or weekly assignments which might otherwise be assembled in a notebook or binder at the end of the 7th-grade Medieval China unit.
Asian Art Museum Storyteller, Miriam Mills, engages pre-school students in the museum’s Korea galleries by telling a Korean folktale about a tiger and a puppy using artworks from the Asian Art Museum’s collection.
Asian Art Museum Storyteller, Miriam Mills, tells the story of Rangda, the Balinese witch.